"Who knew Project Gutenberg's top 100 ebook list could be as enlightening as some of the titles included on it? Every day, the service that works to digitize books in the public domain puts out a list of the top 100 downloaded ebooks from the day before. Taking a look at the list from this week, we see that while classics rule, they often have a sexy and/or servicey hook. Check out a recent top 10 and vote: read or shelve?"

"Kindle readers, take note: You may have been paying for books you could legally download for free--in nearly identical editions--elsewhere.
The titles in question aren't just public-domain books that have long been freely available at such sites as Project Gutenberg. They appear to be the exact Gutenberg files, save only for minor formatting adjustments and the removal of that volunteer-run site's license information.
Gutenberg contributor Linda M. Everhart complained in an e-mail in late October that Amazon was selling a title she'd contributed to Gutenberg, Arthur Robert Harding's 1906 opus "Fox Trapping," for $4." Read more
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