Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Alzheimer’s Stalks Us All

"Tucked away on a steep street in this rough-hewn mountain town, an old woman found herself diapering her middle-age children. At frighteningly young ages, in their 40s, four of Laura Cuartas’s children began forgetting and falling apart, assaulted by what people here have long called La Bobera, the foolishness. It is a condition attributed, in hushed rumors, to everything from touching a mysterious tree to the revenge of a wronged priest. "

"This report examines the current projections and costs associated with the Alzheimer crisis, as well as what Medicare and Medicaid savings are possible if disease modifying treatments were available."

Memory Walk is the nation's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research — and it calls on people of all ages to take action in the fight. Year-round, our participants are leaders in the effort to defeat this devastating disease.

More information can be found at the following :
 Alzheimer's Disease International

 "Stimulating the brain with magnetic pulses might help people with Alzheimer's disease improve their use of language, new research suggests. However, this treatment is still highly experimental and has been tested on very few people."

"There is no treatment yet to stop or slow the progress of Alzheimer’s. But every major drug company has new experimental drugs it hopes will work, particularly if they are started early. The questions though, are who should be getting the drugs and who really has Alzheimer’s or is developing it?"

Please pass me a glass of Red Wine
"A study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry has found that the compound found in red wine known as resveratrol has the ability to neutralize the toxic effects of proteins linked to Alzheimer’s disease." 

Alzheimer's as seen by a patient who is also a doctor - latimes.com:
"Alzheimer's as seen by a patient who is also a doctor
A retired physician and an emeritus professor of medicine at UCLA shares his insights and even tips for coping with this difficult and growing problem."

There is so much more to be learned.

 Search Amazon.com for Alzheimer's Disease

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Philosopher Quote Of The Day

Philosopher Quote Of The Day - Happiness is a continuation of happenings which are not resisted. - Deepak Chopra

Live Penguin Cams

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Guggenheim embraces YouTube video project

Guggenheim embraces YouTube video project | Reuters

YouTube has come a long way as an art form.

"Creative online video is one of the most compelling and innovative opportunities for personal expression today," said Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation director Richard Armstrong. "'YouTube Play' demonstrates this is within the reach of anyone who uses a computer and has access to the Internet."

Gustav Klimt (Tree of Life) Art Poster Print - 36" X 24"Starry Night, c. 1889 Art Styles Poster Print by Vincent van Gogh, 36x24
It has also become a business venture for the little guys.
Earning Cash With YouTube Videos - WSJ.com

"Like many realtors in hard-hit markets across the country, David DeVore of Orlando, Fla., hasn't had much luck selling homes in the last couple of years. DeVore's Plan B? The social media career of his young son, David."

Of course it is a great source for so much entertainment, news, art and more.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Give us the fortitude to endure the things which cannot be changed, and the courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to know one from the other.-Oliver J. Hart

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mind Hacks: Architecture of the brain

Mind Hacks: Architecture of the brain
"The building for Lou Ruvo center for Brain Health in Las Vegas is just beautiful.
The centre is a neuroscience research institute that was designed by renowned architect Frank Gehry.
It particularly focuses on Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative brain diseases. The 'Lou Ruvo' in the name is a tribute to the father of the centre's founder who died from dementia."
Find out more about architect Frank Gehry and be sure to see photos of the center.
An estimated 5.3 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer’s disease and this number is predicted to double by mid-century.  This center hopes to help improve the diagnosis and treatment of  Alzheimer's disease .

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Two Roads At Once

My Philosophy quote  for today: "The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere." Xun Zi 

photo thanks to: Ian Sane